Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 30...

Yes, our film is due September 30. That's 8 days. It is only His grace that allowed us to find out so we could try to finish Grafted on time.

We desperately need your prayers:
1) To edit in a timely fashion.
2) To be able to add the music. It wasn't bad enough that all our issues put us 2 weeks behind; now we're WAY behind. Please pray for Richard Rector; he has been working so hard on this score and his music is beautiful. But, it's not finished. So this would be God working for this to be completed.
3) To work more efficiently than we currently have been.
4) To be able to work on less sleep and still maintain our Christian character (none of us does really well on little sleep).
5) That this film glorify God. If it doesn't do that, it's not worth doing.
6) To do all those little things that need to be done that we haven't even thought of yet.

We'll try to keep you updated, but the posts will be short. Thank you in advance for your prayers.


  1. Wow. I know the feeling :).

    God is good. Rest in that what happens is in His sovereignty.

    Keeping you in prayer!
