Saturday, September 3, 2011

Home From Russia with Love...

Have you ever heard of Archangel'sk, Russia? Well, neither had we until we met 2 beautiful children who were living there when their parents, sister, and brother came to bring them home.

Meet the Shiflets: Pastor David, Gina, Emily, J. Michael, Andrew, Kathlena, Calvin, and baby Isabella. Pastor David helped plant and now is one of the pastors at what has now become our "sister church." He and Gina were blessed with Emily and J. Michael. Then, they wanted to grow their family through adoption. So Andrew and Kathlena came home in 2008. A few months after they came home, David and Gina found out they were expecting another blessing. Calvin was born in 2009, and then Isabella was born just a few weeks ago. Gina was such a trooper during filming! She was 37 weeks pregnant in the heat one of of the hottest Texas summers on record. Thank you, Gina, for your patience. They kept an adoption blog if you want to find out more about them: Shiflet Family Adoption blog.

This past May marked a very important moment in Kathlens's life. She was 3 yrs. old when she came to her family, and this May she turned 6. This means she has now spent more time with her family than before she knew them. To commemorate the occasion, Emily, a gifted writer, wrote and printed a very special book for Kathlena:

Emily reading the book to Andrew, Kathlena, and Calvin:

They are very passionate about adoption, but more importantly God and His Word, especially how the Word is relevant to everything in life. This will be evident when you see their clips in the film. Here are some sneak peeks at the filming at the Shiflets:

Emily and J. Michael ready for their interview:

In the shop with Dad:

We finished the interview with the family with family worship (Andrew and Calvin are off to your left, facing their parents):

Thanks, Shiflets for a great day of filming at your home.

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