Meet our music composer and his family, the Rectors: Richard, Laura, Ethan, Emma, Noah, Luke, and Libby (more on her in a moment!) Richard blessed us and
Grafted with his composing and playing much of the theme music. That powerful opening piece? Richard's composition. That joyful homecoming piece? Also Richard's composition. He was so flexible as he worked with us on our very limited time schedule, which if you remember our posts from last fall (see
here and
here) quickly became even more limited. He worked many nights until the wee hours of the morning trying to finish his part.
Grafted would not be the same movie without him. Did I mention his precious wife, Laura, who encouraged him, prayed for him, listened to his compositions from beginning rough drafts until final piece? She was so supportive of both him and us through this whole project. We were blessed to have them both on board with us for this film. I'm sad to say you didn't get to meet any of their children in the film; you would love them.
Back row: Luke (in Richard's arms), Richard, Laura, Libby (in Laura's arms), Emma,
Front row: Ethan and Noah |
Now for the rest of the story... (as the late Paul Harvey would say). Like most of our families, the Rectors started the film with 4 children and ended with one more. In October of 2011, they began their own adoption journey that led them to Libby on the other side of the world. Through Reece's Rainbow, who also helped the Fryes find Alice Faith, the Rectors found, adopted, and brought home sweet Elizabeth Joy, nicknamed Libby. You can read all about their story
here. Now months later, Libby is a growing, thriving member of the Rector family, and another blessing to our church family.
Sweet Libby! |
We cannot praise and thank God enough for the way He has blessed our church through the addition of so many children through adoption.